The terms of this Regulation apply to any natural or legal person subject to the legal obligation to produce annual financial statements including the balance sheet, the income statement and the notes, subject to the specific requirements applicable to them.
The articles of the Regulation are divided into 9 Titles as follows:
definition of intangible and tangible assets, inventory, prepaid expenses;
valuation of assets;
accounting treatment, general rules and specific arrangements, ...
Financial assets:
long-term securities : general rules, accounting treatment and valuation of equity investments, securities valued by the equity method, portfolio investments, ...;
requirements for preparation and presentation of financial statements: relevance of information, tabular form, liste form, standard system, abridged system, extended system, ... ;
annual financial statements : balance sheet and income statement;
information to be included in the notes to the annual financial statements: for legal persons, for natural persons, information to be mentioned for specific areas of activity;
notes to the annual financial statements:
table of fixed assets,
table of depreciation and amortization;
statement of maturities of receivables and payables;
chart of accounts : classification, summary of accounts, rules of setting up the chart of accounts, ...;
functionning of accounts. is the first online version of « PLAN COMPTABLE GENERAL » in France. On this website you can find the full text of the Regulation in French as well as some elements translated into English: